Photo of a girl drinking clean water

Coastline Drive Waterline Improvements (Malibu/Topanga residents)

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Ensure the safety of your building water system and devices after a prolonged shutdown

Dear Waterworks Districts Customer,

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Los Angeles County recommends businesses and property owners follow the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidance for Building Water Systems. The guidance addresses an increased risk for growth and spread of bacteria and other harmful organisms in building water systems due to stagnant or standing water conditions.

To ensure the safety of building water systems after a prolonged shutdown, CDC recommends taking preventative measures prior to reopening buildings or facilities.

  1. Develop a comprehensive water management program (WMP) for your water system and all devices that use water.
  2. Ensure your water heater is properly maintained and the temperature is correctly set.
  3. Flush hot and cold water through all points of use (e.g., showers, sink faucets).
  4. Clean all decorative water features, such as fountains.
  5. Ensure hot tubs/spas are safe for use.
  6. Ensure cooling towers are clean and well-maintained.
  7. Ensure safety equipment including fire sprinkler systems, eye wash stations, and safety showers are clean and well-maintained.
  8. Maintain your water system.

For more information about CDC guidance, please visit:

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