Explore Public Works - LA County Public Works


Clean LA

Clean LA is a County of Los Angeles portal to a number of award-winning programs that help residents, businesses, and government keep the County clean and sustainable. From the basics of reduce, reuse and recycle, to household hazardous and electronic waste collection events and composting; this site offers information and links to answer environmental questions. Clean LA provides local solutions that contribute to global efforts.

Visit Clean LA
San Gabriel Valley Greenway Network

San Gabriel Valley Greenway Network

The San Gabriel Valley Greenway Network Strategic Implementation Plan will transform the watershed into an interconnected network of 130 miles of bike paths, trails, and greenspaces for everyone in the San Gabriel Valley. In 2017, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution “to create a countywide network of interconnected, multi-use community greenways” by updating the County’s flood control systems along the San Gabriel and Rio Hondo River watersheds in the San Gabriel Valley. The Plan is committed to creating equitable access to greenways and greenspaces in communities across the San Gabriel Valley.

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Safe Clean Water Program

Provides local, dedicated funding to increase our local water supply, improve water quality, and protect public health.

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In the Community

  • Wildfire Recovery Information

    Wildfire Recovery Information

    If you’ve been impacted by the multiple wildfires in LA County, please visit recovery.lacounty.gov to access available resources.

  • Improved, Faster, Smarter!

    Improved, Faster, Smarter!

    Download our revamped The Works App today and transform how you connect with LA County!

  • Equity in Infrastructure Initiative

    Equity in Infrastructure Initiative

    The Equity in Infrastructure Initiative is changing the way Los Angeles County Public Works serves its communities. This Initiative is prioritizing equity in all of Public Works’ infrastructure delivery and services. Through this important work, Public Works will build a safer, more accessible, and more resilient Los Angeles County.

Explore Our Core Service Areas

Public Works is organized into Core Service Areas to better reflect how our customers experience our services. Click below to explore each of these Service Areas.

  • Dockweiler Beach Youth Center

    Dockweiler Beach Youth Center

    ON THIS PAGE Dockweiler Beach Youth Center Background The $7 million Youth Center is an 8,800-square-foot facility with a kitchen, auditorium, administration offices, and storage areas. The environmentally-friendly building utilizes recycled construction materials, energy-efficient equipment, as well as natural lighting and ventilation. In 2009, the center was dedicated to the Department of Beaches and Harbors’…

  • Oxford Basin

    Oxford Basin

    ON THIS PAGE Oxford Basin Background The Eastern Hill landfills are located in the City of Monterey Park south of the 10 Freeway and west of the 710 Freeway, and include the Blanchard Landfill and the Cogen Landfill. Both landfills are non-operational and have been closed for operations since 1958. The landfills are considered “legacy…

  • Zev Yaroslavsky Family Support Center

    Zev Yaroslavsky Family Support Center

    ON THIS PAGE Zev Yaroslavsky Family Support Center Background The $175.9 million center is a 216,000-square-foot, 5-story office building with 3,000-square-foot pharmacy, 4,000-square-foot retail space, and large public lobby/referral/waiting area. The community-based service model aimed at improving the well-being of children and families by providing health and social services in a convenient, one-stop setting and…

Our Vision

To become the most trusted public agency in the region.

Our Mission

We plan, design, build, and maintain modern infrastructure that uplifts all communities of Los Angeles County.

Our Values

Safety, Cultural Awareness, Human Health, Transparency, Inclusivity, Innovation

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