Sediment Management

Frequently Asked Questions

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1.  What is a debris basin?
2.  What are some of the issues of debris basins?
3.  What is a reservoir?
4.  What are some of the issues with reservoirs?
5.  Where is the sediment and debris removed from debris basins and reservoirs taken?
6.  What are the issues of each sediment placement site?
7.  What was the impact to the District's facilities due to the Station Fire?
8.  What is the Sediment Management Strategic Plan?
9.  Is the Flood Control District investigating additional sediment placement sites or alternative ways for disposing of material?
10.  Will the Flood Control District be looking at the possibility of selling the sediment to help defray the cost of sediment management?
11.  How much material was removed from debris basins during the 2009/2010 storm season?
12.  What steps are being taken to mitigate the impact of truck traffic on residential streets near debris basins and sediment placement sites?
13.  What is the planning/permitting process for use of a sediment placement site?
14.  How does the Flood Control District determine where a sediment placement site should be?
15.  Is sediment material toxic or dangerous to human health?

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